You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.4. POINT OF SALE Menu: Transaction Processing > 4.4.3. Point of Sale - Docket Creation > Managing Completed Dockets, Laybys and Quotes > Enter Transaction - File - Print Quote
Enter Transaction - File - Print Quote

Use this option to save quotes for customers. You can then recall the quote for amending, cancellation or conversion to a sales order. No Micronet files (e.g. debtor or stock) are updated when the quote is printed.

  1. Process the order to completion stage.

Refer to "Docket Creation Overview" for the steps involved.

  1. Select FILE | PRINT A QUOTE.

Micronet displays a message asking if you want to save the original quote after processing.

  1. Select Yes to print the quote and save it for later recall, or No if you want to print the quote but you don't want to save it.

Micronet prints the quote and saves it (if selected) then redisplays the Enter Transaction screen.

You can retrieve the held quote at a later time (refer to "Enter Transaction - File - Load a Quote").